Monday, September 3, 2007

Just Felt Like Blogging Update

We went shopping on Saturday and I couldnt find the matching yarn to finish off my pink and brown socks. I cant believe it. I am hoping that they may have it in the craft store which I didnt check. They do have the colour on their website so if worse comes to worse I can order it. I really want to finish my socks and wear them but I guess that is going to be longer than I thought.

I got some new pins just for knitting. The ones I usually use are the small sewing pins with just the metal end. Its hard to see when you are pinning knitted stuff. I found some perfect ones. They have pretty metallic balls on the ends and they are twice the length of normal pins so you dont have to use so many. I was enjoying using them while sewing up Olivia's Kimono Cardigan. I really hope it fits ok once its done. I have been picking it up, doing a bit and then putting it down again for the past couple of days. I cant just sit down and finish it because I keep thinking it doesnt look very good. I guess I wont know until she finally gets it and tries it on.

I bought some 10.5 circular needles so that I can make the cable bag that I had started before and had to undo because double pointed needles weren't cutting it. I have to do the old trick of putting them in boiling water for 10 seconds to straighten them out and then I can use them.

Yesterday we had Joe's Grandma over for a visit. I think she really enjoyed herself and I got the feeling that she gets a little lonely and was glad to sit down and have a good chat. We got some afternoon treats for the occasion. A Boston Cream Pie, an assortment of cheesecake slices and some vanilla caramel truffle tea. She was very happy about the cheesecake. I think she likes our tv and its bigness. She ended up staying for about 4 hours which is quite a long time for her. I just love her. She makes me laugh and fills the void of not having my Nanna's around anymore. I get to spoil her instead. I asked if she would like to come to the Sinclairville History Fair breakfast next weekend with us and she is going to get back to us. Should be lots of fun especially now we live so close to the centre of town. We live in a little town of less than probably 700 people. We are in the country despite the fact that my husband says that we're not hehe.

Megan is back to school on Wednesday. She cant wait to go back to school. She starts 7th grade this year which is unbelievable and even more unbelievable is, she will be 13 on the 29th of this month. She is super excited about that as she talks about it and reminds me all the time. I am hoping to make this birthday super special as its an important birthday.

Oh a sad thing today, the Valley Shack Ice Cream place closed down for the summer today. Joe has become hooked on their burgers and we love their ice cream. The burgers are super yummy. We are going to have to find an alternative until the spring time so we can all get our fix.

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