Friday, September 21, 2007

Its Spiderman And A Finished Project!

I finally got Victoria to try on her Spiderman costume today. She looks so funny and is very impressed with her muscles hehe. I dont know how long she will wear the mask on Halloween just because its covering her face but at least I have these photos to show her in her full outfit. In the first shot she is shooting her web just like Spiderman.

Here she is with her mask off with all those rippling musles hehe.

I had to include this photo of Victoria reading to Ringo the other day. He sat there for about 10 minutes while she read to him. I dont know if it was the riveting story or the fact that she was sitting right in the sunny spot that kept him there for so long.

Here are the other fingerless mittens that I made for Megan's birthday. I hope they all fit her ok. I just started the socks tonight. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I have enough yarn to make a full pair.

Im going to have to post some photos of Megan because Victoria seems to be hogging all the limelight these days. Its hard to believe but Megan doesnt like her photo being taken as much as she use to. Its different when her friends are around but by herself not as much.

Oh did I mention that I finished the Harry Potter book a couple of weeks ago. It was very good. I cant believe there wont be any more. I will now have to eagerly await the movies as they come out. I dont know what I will do once all the movies have come out. I guess I will know how Joe felt when the last Star Wars movie came out. I loved the chapter all about Snape when he was younger because it was full of information that answered alot of questions throughout the whole series. I also loved the final 19 years later chapter. That was just so cute and I cant wait to see that part in the final movie.

I was talking to the librarian today about making the patterns that come out the novels by Debbie Macomber and raffling them off at the library. The library and I would then split the profit from the raffle. She loved the idea. At the start of each book they have the knitting pattern that goes with the story. The first one is a baby blanket, the second one is a pair of socks and the one that I am reading right now is a prayer shawl. The librarian mentioned having them done before Christmas because people would be thinking about Christmas presents at that time. I said that sounded like a good idea and I would see what I could do. Hmm I have some planning to do.

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