Monday, June 4, 2007

A New Knitting Lesson Learned Over The Weekend

Don't try to knit when your head is all fuzzy from a sinus cold.
I have been battling this horrible sinus cold since Friday. I have become tired of people saying "God Bless You" from the numerous times that I have sneezed in the past 4 days. I just want it to go away. Vicks Sinex nasal spray has been a life saver and the only reason I am functioning at the moment. I was trying to knit on Saturday and ended up unravelling what I had done that day 3 times before giving up and putting it down for when I feel better.

Sagey Goodness bag went off to its new home on Friday and I got some money to buy some supplies I need for some projects I have to get done. I bought some orange paint for Megan's room and even did the first coat yesterday. I bought some material to line the pink messenger bag that my sisters friend wants. Let me tell you that colour was impossible to find a good liner for but I think after half an hour in the craft shop, I found a really nice one. I got some lime green buttons for Brittany's Ipod cover that she has been nagging me for and I got some baby blue yarn for an order that I just got for a couple of pairs for booties.

I dont know if I ever mentioned this before but for about 2 years I have had various knitted things on a website of a lady I met online. She has handcrafted stuff that she makes herself and adds my things on there for a percentage of the profit. This order for the booties about the third or fourth order I have gotten since putting my stuff on there. Here is a link to the website if you want to take a peak of what is on there.
Anything that is labelled knitted by Nicole is one of my things.

I am minutes away from finishing my secret surprise and then I will have to get started on those booties. I should have them ready to post by Friday I am hoping. Then I think I will do the Ipod cover and the lining for the pink messenger bag so I can get them off to their owners. Lots to do, lots to do. I still have to get the second coat of Megan's orange paint to do. It looks so different in her room from it being all white. She is very excited to have some colour. Once that gets painted we have to buy the pink paint she wants for the other sides of the walls. The final thing to paint up there is the trim, windows and railings, white. Her room is big and an odd shape so its quite a job but it will be cool when its all done. I will have to post a picture once all painting is done. Next room to tackle will be Victoria's. Hers will be a breeze after Megan's.

So much to do and a stupid stuffy nose to get rid of. Will I survive? Only time will tell hehe.

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