Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Monkey And A Kitty

Well I have been a slack blogger havent I hehe. I have been doing alot of knitting lately so thats a good thing.
I managed to finish my two monkeys and they are now sitting at the yarn store hopefully using their charms to entice people to buy them. I spoke the owner last week and she said that everyone just adores them so fingers crossed its a good sign.
Here is a picture of the pink fluffy one that I made.

I just finished another order yesterday and Im delivering it tomorrow. This is a kitty that I designed myself. I have previously made a girl kitty who is in the next picture and she has a shawl. This was suppose to be for a boy baby so I couldnt very well give him a shawl could I so I made him a tie. Very refined I think hehe. I hope they like him and it will be nice to make some money.

Here are the couple together. The pink one is suppose to be for my niece but I am the worst aunt in the world and havent sent it to her yet. The girl one is named Mrs Priscilla Twinkletoes so we had to give the boy a name too. I decided his name is Mr Peter Twinkletoes. Arent they cute together?

So they are my finished projects for the moment. Tomorrow I think I will write about some projects that I am working on at the moment with pictures to show where Im up to in the process. Some very cool cable pillows for my new house are being constructed and plans for a couple of felted bags so stay tuned.

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